Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hallo fans!

Its my second day in a training, but I would like to give you a summary of what I have learnt the previous day.

So yesterday we started by introducing each other , we are about 10 participants from different places together with our trainer Peik Johansson.

We went through programme schedule for our training and Peik told us that we will mostly be practical on searching different issues through internet, aims of a training and our expectations after three day training.

As a journalist we all know what is investigative Journalism(IJ) so we started to explore the meaning of IJ through internet and later find what is investigative internet journalism(IIJ). We found out to be many materials and manuals which tells us of what does it mean, e.g Wikipedia, articles. In  short there are different materials which guides you to know the conceipt of IIJ.

We also learnt the charactaristics of IJ reporter that he/she should have curiosity,passion and logical thinking in digging some facts.

In day 1 we managed to create our own blogs which will be used to post what we have done during the training and my blogs is called Leonajana.blogspot.com, and here your are!.

What I really liked during my entire day one session is how I practice of what I am learning spontinously . I always dont like  spending so much time  on PC because of my sightness but I think I can not avoid it during this training, but dont worry we almost finishing.

I remember some research assignments like how to find the population of Iringa,Kikwete statement on land investors in Kisarawe, Tanzania inflation rate, Precision air current  profit reports, MCT phone number , etc.

In searching for any facts on internet , one needs to choose some proper words to search, but you can also search by months, days, hours or years just to get different materials.

This is day 1, please dont miss day 2.

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